Starfall is a 2D animated short film, and my Senior Project with the University of Florida.
The night god Niatryis has just finished his nightly duties, when he is attacked by a powerful sorceress from another dimension. Now he has to defend himself, his friends, and his entire realm!
The current final, completed Starfall film
Concept Development
The first step to this project was pitching three ideas and selecting between them. Once this was completed, the first animatic was completed, followed shortly by initial character turnarounds. Starfall was a very, very different film in this stage. The general storyline remained the same, but major changes were made to character designs, music, and pacing rather early on.
The initial storyboard for Starfall, which was then called Fall of the Gods
Early Production
Once character designs were approved, and reference footage was filmed, animation began, starting with blocking.
The opening layout and further layout assets were created by Jane Pham. Meagan Silva and Lee Knight assisted me in filming reference footage.
An in-between version of Starfall, including filmed reference footage.
Mid and Post-Production
Once blocking was finished throughout the project, I moved on to lining and then coloring the project. I also used the assets Jane made, editing some along the way, to make various backgrounds for the project.